Lapisan epoksi berisi keramik 2 bagian yang memberikan ketahanan terhadap erosi dan korosi pada peralatan bersuhu tinggi yang beroperasi di bawah perendaman hingga 120°C (248°F). Lapisan bebas pelarut ini memberikan ketahanan yang sangat baik terhadap berbagai larutan berair, hidrokarbon, dan bahan kimia proses. Mudah dicampur dan dapat diaplikasikan menggunakan kuas atau aplikator berbulu kaku.
Belzona 1391 (Ceramic HT) juga dapat digunakan sebagai perekat struktural berkekuatan tinggi untuk ikatan logam dan untuk membuat shim bantalan beban tidak beraturan di mana diperlukan material suhu tinggi.
Key benefits:
- Operates at high temperature under immersed conditions
- Excellent erosion and corrosion resistance
- Reduced health and safety risks as it is solvent-free
- High compressive strength
- Application and cure at room temperature - no hot work involved
- Excellent chemical resistance against a wide range of chemicals
- No shrinkage, expansion or distortion
- Excellent bonding to many metal surfaces including steel, stainless steel, specialist steels
Applications for Belzona 1391 (Ceramic HT) include:
- High temperature coatings for process vessels, distillation columns, heat exchangers, clarifiers and scrubber units operating under immersion Coating Chemicals
- Protecting pumps, valves, hot water tanks and separators from the effects of erosion and corrosion
- Protection of pipework from moisture and chemical attack
- High strength structural adhesive for metal bonding
- Creation of irregular load bearing shims